Parking Lot Striping, City of Phoenix: Prime Contractor
Project work included:
- removing conflicting pavement markings
- 4.0 Black Out of existing lines
- 4.1 Water Blasting of existing lines
- 4.2 Abrasive blasting of existing lines
- 4.3 Black Out of handicap space
Handicap and Standard Signs Installed:
- Handicap Aluminum sign on fence, attached with wire
- Handicap Aluminum sign on wall, mechanically attached
- Handicap Aluminum sign in soil on pierced post buried minimum 1’6” in ground with bottom of sign at 5’ with post extending to 1” below the top of sign
- Handicap Aluminum sign in asphalt on pierced post buried minimum 1’6” in ground with bottom of sign at 5’ with post extending to 1” below the top of sign
- Handicap Aluminum sign in concrete on pierced post buried minimum 1’6” in ground with bottom of sign at 5’ with post extending to 1’ below the top of sign
- Standard signs on fence attached with wire
- Standard signs on wall mechanically attached
- Standard signs in soil on pierced post buried minimum 1’6” in ground with bottom of sign at 5’ with post extending to 1” below the top of sign
- Standard signs in asphalt on pierced post buried minimum 1’6” in ground with bottom of sign at 5’ with post extending to 1” below the top of sign
- Standard signs in concrete on pierced post buried minimum 1’6” in ground with bottom of sign at 5’ with post extending to 1” below the top of sign