FHWA, Lake Mary Road and Willow Creek Bridge Improvements


Federal Highway Administration, Lake Mary Road: Prime Contractor    $8,190,716

The project included one schedule that consisted of 4R improvement of portions of Forest Highway 3, also known as Lake Mary Road in Coconino County Arizona.  The project is within the Coconino National Forest.
The second schedule project consists of minor shoulder widening, pulverizing of pavement, and also includes the removal of Willow Creek Bridge deck and replacing with a widened bridge deck on existing substructure.
The project included new guardrail approaches, final signing and striping. There are minor culvert pipe extensions with the shoulder widening and one large box culvert replacement.

Significant quantities for Schedule A included:

  • Total of 15,000 CY of Embankment
  • 139,000 SY of Full Depth Reclamation, Method 2, 8 inch depth
  • 145,000 SY of Prime Coat Method 1
  • 102,000 LB of Reinforcing Steel
  • 33,000 LB of Reinforcing Steel Epoxy
  • 102,300 LB of Structural Steel Furnished, Fabricated and Erected
  • 120,000 LF of Rumble Strip
  • 8,000 CY of Conserved Topsoil
  • 15,000 Tons of Roadway Aggregate Method 2
  • 30,000 Tons of Asphalt Concrete Pavement
  • 252 CY of Structural Concrete
  • 85 LF of Reinforced 12 foot x 9 foot Precast Reinforced Box Culvert
  • 201 LF of Guardrail System G4