BIA Highway Routes 3, 12, 46 & 55
White Mountain Apache Tribe, Various Locations
The work was located in Gila, Navajo, and Apache counties at various locations along the Fort Apache Indian Reservation on the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Routes 3, 12, 46, and 55. The project consisted of installing new 6” centerline and edge line pavement markings, replacing raised pavement markers, signing upgrades, and guardrail improvements. The work included asphalt concrete paving, bridge barrier approach transitions, three beam connections, grading for guardrail end treatment pads, and other related work.
Sunline Contracting was the low bidder of the project and selected SWP Contracting to provide: Item # | Description | Quantity | U/M | Unit Price | Total Price |
2010011 | Clearing & Grubbing | 5 | Acre | $650.00 | $3,250.00 |
2020029 | Removal of AC Pavement | 1622 | SQYD | $25.00 | $40,550.00 |
4060009 | AC (Miscellaneous Paving) | 1,777 | Ton | $120.00 | $213,240.00 |
Non-pay Item | SWPPP | 1 | Each | $5,000.00 | $5,000.00 |
9010001 | Mobilization | 1 | LSum | $30,000.00 | $30,000.00 |
9050025 | Partial Build Guard Rail Terminal Pads | 100 | Each | $925.00 | $92,500.00 |