Temporary Technical Engineering Personnel Services: Prime Contractor $150,000,000
SWP provided Temporary Technical Engineering Personnel (Temp Tech) during peak workloads on an as needed basis.
- Construction project, supervision, management and on the job training
- Construction survey (provide total survey workstation and vehicle)
- Construction inspection for items including but not limited to: roadway, structures, electrical, landscape, permits
- Construction materials sampling and testing
- Construction office engineering support and administration
- Construction Project Labor Compliance (On-the-Job Training, Davis Bacon, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, and reviewing certified payroll compared to the interviews that were conducted in the field.
Work Performed:
- Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction
- Construction Manual and Bulletins
- Materials Testing Manual
- Materials Practices and Procedure Directives Manual
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
- Arizona Supplement to the MUTCD
- Partnering Evaluation Program (PEP)