
USFS, Foxtail Scour Protection & Boat Ramp Repairs

Tonto National Forest Scour Protection & Boat Ramp Repairs: Prime contractor  The concrete turn around area suffered scouring on the side impacted by the wash and the boat ramp was inaccessible. SWP was contracted to core into the existing concrete ramp and fill voids underneath with a flowable slurry concrete fill. Gabion baskets with rock fill […]

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FHWA, Lee’s Ferry Road Scour Protection

Lee’s Ferry Road: Prime Contractor  The USDOT, Central Federal Lands Highway Division of the Federal Highway Administration contracted with SWP to perform scour protection and spot repairs caused by a storm event greater than a 100-year event within the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Improvements included: Curb and gutter reconstruction Drainage Scour protection Countermeasures Drainage

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BOR, HX Detention Dam Maintenance, Bowie, AZ

HX Detention Dam Maintenance Bureau of Land ManagementBowie, AZ HX Detention Dam suddenly breached sometime in the summer of 2014 which presents hazards to those who use the crest as a road. The contract involves making geotechnical investigations of the current condition of the breached embankment specifically as to the extent of damage from which excavation

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Ford Arizona Proving Grounds, Storm Damage Repair

Ford Arizona Proving Grounds Storm Damage Repair & Drainage Construction: Subcontractor  SWP was brought in the initially to repair storm damage caused by the extreme rainfall Install drainage culverts and catch basin, & provide safety enhancements Subsequent investigation by Ford personnel SWP found additional storm damage under a critical testing surface. An additional Job Order was

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box culvert


Ash Canyon Crossing: Prime Contractor  $460,150 The USDOT, Central Federal Lands Highway Division of the Federal Highway Administration contracted with SWP to perform drainage repairs and improvements to a particular area that had 4 pipe culverts underneath the roadway which would frequently over top during large storm events and cause further erosion. SWP built a